How Can You Help?

  • You can donate online
    or use the secure Zeffy Form Below

Your contributions go 100% to supporting the training and coaching of youth/the next generation in a wholesome and positive experience.

  • Mail a check made out to Prairie Classical Foundation at 3705 W 71st St, Prairie Village, KS 66208

  • Donate directly with your IRA account, Fidelity Charitable, DAF Fund, etc.

Please email with questions regarding any of these options.

Prairie Classical is an IRS-registered Nonprofit Organization,
and this means two things:

  • My mission is 100% dependable on YOU


  • Your contribution is 100% tax-deductible.

Prairie Classical Donor Levels

  • A donation at this level will help fund things like Music Rental Fees, Concert Programs, Piano Tunings, and modest Audience Receptions (when possible):

    Your Thank You:
    We will feature your name as a supporter in our 23-24 Season Programs

  • A gift of $500 or more helps to sponsor a student's opportunity to be trained by and paired alongside a professional musician for a Side-by-Side concert.

    Your Thank You:
    Date with Destiny (local coffee)

    Other expenses your gift helps to cover:
    Audio/Video Production, Music Rental Fees, Concert Programs, Piano Tunings, and modest Audience Receptions (when possible)

  • A gift at this level will help to sponsor two or more students with the opportunity to be trained by and paired alongside a professional musician for a Side-by-Side concert.

    Your Thank You:
    Date with Destiny (local breakfast)

    Other expenses your gift helps to cover:
    Audio/Video Production, Music Rental Fees, Concert Programs, Piano Tunings, and modest Audience Receptions (when possible)

  • A gift at this level will provide three of more students with the opportunity to be trained by and paired alongside a professional musician for a Side-by-Side concert.

    Your Thank You:
    Thank you video with a performance of Destiny’s favorite folk tune + local lunch or coffee with Destiny.

    Other expenses your gift helps to cover:
    Hall and Piano Rental fees, Audio/Video Production, Music Rental Fees, Concert Programs, Piano Tunings, and modest Audience Receptions (when possible)

  • A gift at this levels helps to sponsor and entire concert! ♥

    Your Thank You: A private concert! Contact directly about the possibility of a 30-minute in-house concert by Destiny (location & other considerations apply).

Music is the Best Medicine! Prairie Classical's mission is to provide joy and healing to communities with fun, spirited, and top-notch music by engaging with world-class artists and local talent, all while working alongside youth to give them a chance to collaborate on a professional level with artists of the highest caliber, ensuring a life-changing, inspiring, and positive educational experience for all.